DJI Mavic Mini vs Potensic T25

May 22, 2022


In recent years, drones have become a popular hobby for many enthusiasts. They're not only fun to fly, but they also capture stunning aerial footage. Drone companies are releasing new models frequently, and it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. That's why we decided to compare two popular drones in the market: DJI Mavic Mini and Potensic T25. In this post, we'll provide a factual and unbiased comparison between these two drones to help you make an informed decision.

Design and Build Quality

The DJI Mavic Mini is the smallest and lightest drone produced by DJI. It weighs only 249 grams, making it easy to carry around. The drone has a foldable design, which makes it compact and easy to store. The Potensic T25, on the other hand, is a bit larger and heavier than the DJI Mavic Mini. It weighs 700 grams and has a bulky design. The T25 is not foldable, but it comes with a hard case that makes it easy to carry around.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Camera Quality

Both drones come with a built-in camera. The DJI Mavic Mini has a 12-megapixel camera that can shoot 2.7K video at 30fps. It has a 3-axis gimbal that stabilizes the camera, which results in smooth and steady footage. The Potensic T25, on the other hand, has a 1080p camera that can shoot 720p video at 30fps. It doesn't have a gimbal, which means the footage can be shaky and unstable.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Flight Time and Range

The DJI Mavic Mini has a maximum flight time of 30 minutes, which is impressive for a drone its size. It has a maximum range of 4 kilometers, which is more than enough for most users. The Potensic T25, on the other hand, has a maximum flight time of 10 minutes and a maximum range of 300 meters. The short flight time and limited range can be a bit of a disadvantage, especially if you're capturing footage.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Ease of Use

The DJI Mavic Mini is easy to use, even for beginners. It has a simple and intuitive interface, and the drone comes with automatic flight modes that make it easy to capture stunning footage. The Potensic T25, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated to use. It has fewer automatic flight modes, and the interface is not as intuitive as the DJI Mavic Mini.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini


The DJI Mavic Mini is more expensive than the Potensic T25. However, it's worth the price if you consider the features and quality of the camera. The Potensic T25 is a budget drone, which means it has limited features and capabilities.

Winner: Potensic T25


In conclusion, both DJI Mavic Mini and Potensic T25 have their strengths and weaknesses. However, the DJI Mavic Mini is the clear winner in most categories. It has a better camera, longer flight time, longer range, and is easier to use. If you're looking for a high-quality drone that can capture stunning footage, the DJI Mavic Mini is the way to go.


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